Since I am a descendant of the Van Strien family I made an attempt to create A genealogical overview of the history of my family . I do concentrate mainly on the members of the Van Strien family who knew or might have known my grandmother, Jannetje van Strien (07-03-1905 – 17-08-2000). Also, I am interested in the Heijnsdijk family because the mother of my grandmother (my great-grandmother) was a member of the Heijnsdijk family. I have special interest in the personal stories and relationships, the living and working conditions and the pictures of the immediate family of my grandmother.
I also like to work with others to complete the whole genealogical overview. Through the years I have collected a lot of information and documentation.
In 1670 Hendrik Cornelisse van Strien settled on the island Wolphaartsdijk, in the Westkerkepolder. He was the ancestor of all of Van Strien’s born or from Wolphaartsdijk.
Click here for an old map of Wolphaartsdijk
From 1700 it is certain that there are seven generations Van Strien that inhabited on Farm “Veldzicht”. Possibly, all eleven generations inhabited on “Veldzicht”. Until September 2000 this farm was located at the Westkerkepolderweg 4. However, as of this date the street name changed to “Van Strienweg”. This change is due to the fact that the family played a very important role in in the area, in the last 300 years.
Click here for an article from the PZC (newspaper from Zeeland)
Between 1706 and 1908 different members of the family also lived on the farm at the Batterijweg 2 in the Westkerkepolder. Hendrik van Strien, a great-uncle of my grandmother, was the last Van Strien on this farm .
The Hofstede “Nooitgedacht” built around 1800, also inhabited members of the Van Strien family. In 1966 , the last one left for the United States of America. The Heijnsdijk family has also lived on this farm.
The Van Strien family between 1920 and 1925 and farm Veldzicht around 1900
Family Relationships:
My relationship with the family came from my grandmother. She was the daughter of Adriaan van Strien and Catharina van Strien-Heijnsdijk. Adriaan van Strien was the ninth heir who lived on the farm. His son (my grandmother’s brother, Gijsbrecht van Strien) was tenth in the line of heirs. His son, Adrie van Strien, currently lives on the farm. Since 2015 the farm is owned by A Dutch Foundation called, Stichting het Zeeuwse Landschap. The foundation is planning to start restoration of the farm in the Summer of 2017. Their goal is to preserve and protect monumental buildings like Veldzicht.
If you are looking for information about the Van Strien Family you can contact me through: I have access to data that goes back to the year 1635. On various websites such as there are many Van Strien-relatives in the database.
Click here for several pictures of Veldzicht from different years. Update September, 29, 2017: Added pictures from the restoration of Veldzicht
Dutch Interview with Adrie van Strien (11th heir) for the website
Dutch Interview with Adrie van Strien (11th heir) for a Dutch TV-show called “Op ’t Hof”.
Farm Veldzicht in the early 80’s.
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